Merry Christmass! Voucher: MerryMR10




Because we know we sell quality products! If you are not satisfied with the product you have purchased, please let our customer service team know in writing and we'll refund you for unopened products within 30 days of purchase, no questions asked. We are so confident in the quality of our products that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee on the original unopened packaging. The guarantee is simple, discreet and no questions asked. The only obligation of the buyer is to notify the retailer of the complaint by email to customer service within 30 days of purchase and to return the purchased goods at his own expense. In the e-mail, please describe your problem, attach the invoice that you received for the purchase of the product and give your full name and account number. Once we have approved the return, please return the unopened products to our office. As soon as we have received the products, we will refund you the purchase price of the unopened packaging within a maximum of 168 hours.

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