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Erectile dysfunction and its treatment or potency improvement

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that most men fear. Many people think it is unthinkable that it could happen to them, and yet everyone faces this problem at some point in their lives. Because it is such a common phenomenon and there are now so many options for treatment, it is a mistake to consider it a taboo subject. To relieve symptoms, it is important that those affected recognize that they are having difficulty getting the erection they want. In order to break down the walls around erectile dysfunction and potency disorders, we have compiled all the information you need to know about the phenomenon in the following article.

In this article we will cover the following points:

The concept of erectile dysfunction
What is the difference between erectile dysfunction and impotence?
What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?
The difference between an erection and impotence
What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?
What should be done about this problem?
Treatment of erektilen Dysfunktion
Advice on increasing your potency
The most popular sexual enhancers

The concept of erectile dysfunction

The term erectile dysfunction refers to a dysfunction in which the erectile function of the penis is not sufficient to complete or successfully complete sexual intercourse.

Although erectile dysfunction typically affects older men, that is, men over 65 years of age, it can occur intermittently or even abnormally at any age and at any time.

Erectile dysfunction not only affects men, but also has a negative impact on their relationships, as people with erectile dysfunction are unable to achieve the basic requirement for satisfactory sexual performance, namely a sufficiently hard and long-lasting erection. 

Problems during sexual intercourse affect both partners, so it is wrong to treat this topic as a taboo. 

If there is no proper, open communication between partners, no recognition of erectile dysfunction and no joint search for a solution, this can easily lead to the end of the relationship.

What is the difference between erectile dysfunction and impotence?

Erectile dysfunction means that the affected person has difficulty getting an erection, only achieving the desired erection - possibly over a long period of time - after strong indirect or direct stimulation, making sexual intercourse difficult. On the other hand, we speak of impotence when erectile dysfunction not only makes sexual intercourse difficult but even completely impossible. 

Impotence can therefore be considered a more severe form of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can occur intermittently and is not considered abnormal. Erectile dysfunction can have the following causes: current psychological or physical condition, stress, fatigue. However, these problems can become more common as you get older. Data from European countries show that the prevalence of erectile dysfunction is 40-4% in young men under 10 years of age, 40-60% in men aged 39-57 years, and 60+% in men aged 60 years and over . 

While occasional erectile dysfunction is easy to overcome, persistent erectile dysfunction can affect self-esteem and relationships with your partner. Most men with similar problems feel like they are inadequate, that their masculinity is to blame, or that they are even to blame (which is, of course, a false assumption). 

Frustration and stress during erectile dysfunction can make it even more difficult to get an erection and can easily lead to a never-ending cycle. Not to mention, all of these frustrations can impact different areas of life, such as: B. at work, where the person may not be able to concentrate on their tasks due to personal problems.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction:

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction can vary from person to person depending on the level of erectile dysfunction the person has. 

These depend on the different extent of the symptoms:

  • The affected person is unable to achieve a full erection, with the erection occurring slowly and with insufficient hardness.
  • the person is unable to maintain the erection until the end of intercourse, he may become weak or stop before orgasm during intercourse
    the person is completely unable to get an erection.
  • EErectile dysfunction is often accompanied by premature ejaculation, as men with erectile dysfunction tend to rush orgasm, which can lead to maladaptation and loss of control over ejaculation.

Many men perceive erectile dysfunction as a loss of their masculinity and are ashamed of it. 

However, this concerns erectile dysfunction affects a high percentage of men, and the problem is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to age and other circumstances, so there is absolutely no reason to be ashamed of it, especially since erectile dysfunction is easy to fix today. 

Doctors and researchers are increasingly understanding the causes of erectile dysfunction, and more and more effective treatments and cures are becoming available almost daily.

The physiology of erection - or what happens when an erection occurs?

To see and understand what's behind erectile dysfunction, it's important to know exactly what happens in the body when an erection occurs. Erection is influenced by psychological, psychological, hormonal and neurological factors. It all starts in the brain with the perception of a sexually arousing sight, smell, feeling or sound, which causes the nervous system to send chemical impulses to the smooth muscles and blood vessels of the penis. 

Hormonal and neural regulation causes an increase in blood flow and a decrease in blood outflow in the penis, so that the usually sudden influx of blood fills the erectile tissue that has dilated during the relaxation of the smooth muscles, causing the penis to become rigid. 

This condition persists in a healthy position until the end of sexual intercourse. 

After orgasm, the veins in the penis open and allow blood to flow out of the penis, which then relaxes and loses its stiffness.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

  1. Psychological causes

    In younger people around 30, there are often psychological reasons for erectile dysfunction. Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction include anxiety, pressure to perform, and an excessive desire to please. In most cases, these problems will go away once a stable, long-term relationship is established.

  2. Men's climate Like women, men experience menopause, which is also known as a midlife crisis. This permanent change occurs around the age of 60 and, in addition to erectile dysfunction, can also lead to reduced sex drive, reduced physical performance and general well-being.
  3. Other diseases

    Persistent potency problems can also be a symptom of other diseases. For example, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis are typical diseases that are associated with erectile dysfunction. Circulatory diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol levels and high blood lipid levels can also lead to erection problems. Damage to blood vessels and nerves, insufficient blood flow to the genital organs, and insufficient blood flow to the penis can lead to erections.

  4. Unhealthy lifestyle, harmful addictions
    Erection problems can also be caused by harmful addictions, especially smoking, which can lead to narrowing of blood vessels, thereby impairing free blood circulation. The risk of erectile dysfunction increases by 2% among smokers between 10 and 16 cigarettes per day, by 10% between 20 and 36 cigarettes per day, and by up to 20% among smokers who smoke more than 60 cigarettes per day.
  5. Side effects of medication

    Erectile dysfunction can also be a side effect of certain medications. Typical types of medications include various blood pressure medications. If a medication is causing the problem, it can be identified by reading the package insert, as this symptom should be included in the list of side effects. In such cases, it is worth consulting the doctor to see if he can recommend an alternative to the prescribed medication in the form of another medicine.

  6. Prostate diseases
    Inflammatory prostate diseases, prostate enlargement and prostate cancer can also cause erectile dysfunction.
  7. Relationship problems

    Various relationship problems can also lead to erectile dysfunction. Most of these problems are caused by a lack of or inadequate communication. One party may have issues that they think their partner knows about, but in reality they don't know about them because they haven't told them. Tensions in the relationship can also affect sexual performance. Open, honest communication also strengthens the sexual side of a healthy relationship.

  8. Fertility concerns
    A couple's obsession with fertility can place extreme demands on the man, who can feel like he has to perform well almost on command. This in turn can lead to stress, and if he suffers from performance anxiety, he may well not be able to perform at all if he doesn't achieve the desired erection. Excessive desire can be an obstacle to erection, as can a lack of desire.
  9. Stress, fears, tensions

    Your current psychological state can also affect your erection. Excessive tension, the inability to let go during lovemaking, can make it impossible to get an erection. (The fact that erectile dysfunction is not due to physical reasons but to psychological reasons (e.g. stress) can be seen from the fact that the morning erection still occurs despite the problems).

What can be done about the problem?

If the problems are sporadic and occasional, occasional impotence medications, stress relief techniques, etc. may be an effective solution. However, since persistent erectile dysfunction can also be a symptom of other conditions that may not have been previously known (especially if it occurs at a suspiciously young age), it is always worth identifying the underlying causes as soon as possible investigate. You should contact a urologist, andrologist or sexual psychologist. 

This is an area that no one likes to go to the doctor about, but in some cases it can be a relief to get checked out (which is otherwise completely painless). And in almost all cases, the experts can suggest a solution.

Treatment of erektilen Dysfunktion

Fortunately, today there are numerous treatment options for erectile dysfunction: various medicines, medications, simple mechanical devices, surgical procedures and psychological counseling.

Which method is best depends on the underlying causes of the problem and the individual's preferences.

Oral medications

Certain medications prescribed by a doctor can help you achieve the desired erection. One such erectile dysfunction drug is Viagra. This Drugs help to reduce the amount of blood in the Penis flows when there is adequate physical and psychological stimulation. In most cases, these medications can be a real and effective solution. They differ in dosage and duration of action and, like all medicines, have certain types and degrees of side effects.

Dietary sexual enhancers

For those looking for a more natural solution to the problem, there are also over-the-counter sexual enhancers that are classified as dietary supplements. These products contain 100% natural ingredients. Since they are not classified as medicines and therefore do not require a prescription, they are available in most online shops, possibly in sex shops and sometimes in drugstores. Due to their purely natural composition, there are no side effects associated with these products (unless you are sensitive to a specific herbal ingredient).

Among the sexual enhancers In the category of dietary supplements there are occasional and therapeutic preparations as well as a wide variety of products in terms of application and presentation.

Occasional sexual enhancers

Occasional sexual enhancers are used to treat occasional erectile dysfunction. They should be used immediately before the act. The effect occurs shortly after application and lasts for different lengths of time depending on the product. Most of them last 2 to 3 days, which is beneficial not only for erection but also for post-orgasm recovery, meaning they can achieve multiple orgasms in a row. And in their case, the lasting effect means that the penis responds to sexual stimulation with a rapid and sustained erection while the product works.

Panacea potentiators

Potentiometabilizers can be used regularly and long-term as a remedy for erectile dysfunction. These preparations are essentially general vitalizing agents that have a positive effect on erections. In terms of dosage, 1-2 tablets per day are generally recommended, with effects lasting about 1-2 weeks and lasting for a short time after stopping or discontinuing use. Sexual enhancers have the advantage that they are not only useful for potency, but also for a number of other areas. For example, mental performance, physical fitness and regeneration. In addition, most of them also delay ejaculation, so the act is more intense and lasts longer.

When it comes to packaging, over-the-counter products can be divided into creams, sprays and ampoules. These are usually classified as occasional sexual enhancers and their effects occur quickly after use.

Although ED drugs, whether prescription or not, are effective for most men, they are not suitable for all men. If the person affected by erectile dysfunction has recently suffered a heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia, or has a medical condition that doctors believe could put strain on the heart, impotence drugs are not recommended. The situation can be similar if you have to take certain medications long-term. In such cases, it is always worth consulting a doctor who will advise on suitable, individual alternatives.

Penis pumps for erectile dysfunction

Penis Pumps are mechanical devices that use a vacuum to achieve an erection. The cylindrical tube of a penis pump is placed on the penis, and then a vacuum is created in the tube using a (usually manual) pump. The vacuum causes blood to be sucked into the penis, causing an erection. The resulting erection usually lasts a maximum of 1-2 hours. The advantage of a penis pump is that it is the best natural alternative for an erection and can also be used to enlarge the penis.

Using the device is a pleasant feeling, which is why many people use it as a means of masturbation.

Potentiating gymnastics

Intimate gymnastics is a long-established, widespread and popular exercise among women. What is less known is that there are also similar exercises specifically for men to maintain male intimate muscles. The exercises for the male intimate area are also called potency exercises because they can have a positive effect on blood circulation, the optimal functioning of which is essential for achieving a good erection. In addition, correctly performed exercises can help strengthen male intimate muscles, delay involuntary ejaculation and improve urinary retention. The exercises should be performed regularly, twice a day for 10-15 minutes.

The exercises consist of stretching the intimate muscles, which are used, for example, when urinating in different positions, lying down or standing. The easiest way is to imitate holding back urination. The muscles are tensed and relaxed again, repeated for a few minutes and then finished with a long, vigorous contraction.

The effectiveness of the exercises is not guaranteed.

Surgical solutions for impotence

Vascular surgery
Vascular surgery may be indicated if erectile dysfunction is caused by a blocked artery in the pelvic or penile area. In this case, the operation removes the obstruction to blood flow so that a natural erection can be restored. The long-term effectiveness of the intervention is not yet fully understood.

Penile implants

During this procedure, the surgeon inserts an implant on each side of the penis that enables an erection at the desired time and for the desired duration.

This procedure is quite expensive and is only recommended when all other methods and alternatives have proven ineffective.

Potency-enhancing foods

There are foods and plants that not only contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals, but can also be used to some extent to increase potency.

These plants include, among others:

Almonds: Almonds actively contribute to maintaining good health and are also an excellent potency enhancer. It is worth taking it as a snack between main meals to develop its positive effect on male performance.
Cinnamon. It also helps keep blood sugar levels balanced and at an optimal level.

Ginseng: Ginseng is known from oriental folk medicine, where it has been used successfully to increase sexual desire for thousands of years. The plant has the ability to reduce the stress hormone, so it can effectively promote erection even when the cause of impotence is accumulated stress. Almost all potency-enhancing dietary supplements contain this ingredient.

Tribulus terrestris:

 This plant was already used as a medicine by the ancient Greeks. It not only treats erectile dysfunction, but also has a positive effect on performance and concentration, improves mood and eliminates feelings of fatigue.


Ginger is known for its taste properties. Ginger is able to increase the permeability of blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily to the penis when the right sexual stimulus is given, thereby creating the erection necessary for sexual intercourse.

The effect of potency-enhancing substances (be they fruits, herbs, dietary supplements or medications) is also influenced by lifestyle. Therefore, to ensure that potentization is as effective as possible, regardless of the method, you should follow the advice below.

Advice on increasing the effectiveness of potentiation

Make sure you eat a balanced diet!

Foods that are bad for your circulatory system and vascular system also have a bad effect on your erection. Therefore, make sure that you eat fruit and/or vegetables every day if possible and avoid fatty, quick foods. Include whole grains, seeds, fish, heart-healthy fats, and red wine in your diet in moderation (!).

Protect yourself from obesity!

Being overweight can lead to diabetes, which in turn can lead to nerve damage and circulatory problems, which can have a negative impact on erections. Obesity can be prevented and treated through a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Keep your alcohol consumption in moderation.

Doctors have proven that regular, almost chronic alcohol consumption can lead to liver and nerve damage, as well as other changes that affect male sex hormone levels, which can easily lead to erectile dysfunction.

Make sure you exercise regularly!

Exercise, running, swimming, etc. are complex ways to prevent erectile dysfunction. It protects against obesity, helps relieve accumulated stress, treats symptoms of anxiety, and improves digestion and circulation. So it has a positive effect on a number of areas that can cause erection problems if not addressed properly.

Stop smoking!

It has been known for decades, if not centuries, that nicotine can constrict blood vessels. So smoking can damage the blood vessels and reduce the blood supply to the penis, without which an erection is not possible. It's easier to quit smoking if you introduce other routines into your daily life instead. Every time you light a cigarette, eat a sugar-free candy, or do 5 push-ups or squats.

Don't let stress get the better of you!

Stress is one of the most common causes of occasional impotence. That's why you should try to find the best way to relieve the accumulated tension and stress. You can do this through meditation, relaxation or exercise.

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